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The Electric MR2 (aka Mr240) is sold


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VISIBLE BUT NOT AVAILABLE: Non-handmade EVs like the Fiat electric offroader from Brazil or the orange Dodge Circuit EV muscle car, are increasingly visible, but not readily available. Here is local politician and keen sustainability supporter, Hon. Lynn MacLaren MLC getting out of a working EV. Unlike these others, my EV – once a Toyota MR2 – is working now.  We didn't spend millions of dollars testing; instead we (ok, the EV Shop!) had one chance. It is handmade.

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ZEV240 waiting - in this case on a verge - something most Australian cars do around 20 hours/day on average - plenty of time to charge, not forgetting that the electricity costs about one tenth of petrol.

                Why are YOU interested in ZEVs? Like to comment? View progress on the car itself  at ZEV240… blog or the Issues… blog, where you can comment on any of the blog pages. Or use the online form at Contact to suggest topics, changes or corrections I love feedback; and unless you catch me on a bad day, Ill be as respectful of yours as you are of mine (more in Privacy statement on the About Background page)

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